The costume of Arles and Salon
On the occasion of the event "Salon en Prouvenço", which honors the living heritage of Provence, the Marius Fabre soap factory is pleased to welcome the exhibition "Arlésienne(s)" by the artist Françoise VADON.
The "Provençal week" in Salon-de-Provence, "Salon en Prouvenço", will include several events from April 21 to May 1 :
Through her series of original works, this Provencal artist highlights the traditional costume of the Arles and Salon region, in a unique style and color scheme.
His drawings will be exhibited in the Musée du Savon de Marseille Marius Fabre, located in the heart of the soap factory.
"These Arlesian women, for the most part, have for origin in old photos or postcards, images belonging to a collective memory.
The beauty of these women in black and white, their allure, are a revealer, an opening towards an imaginary. The series of drawings that resulted is a reverie, a point-of-view on this Mediterranean woman, ancient and modern. It is not a document of a closed and codified tradition of costume but a game between singularity and archetype, past and present, reality and myth of the Arlesienne."
- Françoise VADON
Dates : April 28 to June 4, 2022
Place : Marius Fabre Soap Factory - 148 avenue Paul Bourret - 13300 Salon-de-Provence
Free admission, every day except Sunday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm.