Publishing director: Robert Bousquet

Executive editor: Julie Bousquet-Fabre

Website publisher:

Ets Marius Fabre Jeune

SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée, in English a simplified joint-stock company), registered capital €290,000; Salon-de-Provence Trade Register number B 635 680 291

Registered offices:  148, avenue Paul-Bourret – BP. 12, 13651 Salon-de-Provence Cedex - France 

European VAT number: FR30635680291
Represented by Robert Bousquet, Chairman

Web hosting services:


SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée, in English a simplified joint-stock company), registered capital €10,000,000; Roubaix-Tourcoing Trade Register number B 635 680 291

APE (activity code) 6202A
European VAT number: FR22424761419
Registered offices: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix - France

Website design:

Agence AXOME

30, rue Agricol Perdiguier

42100 Saint-Etienne

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The entire content of the website is protected by copyright, including text, graphics, photographs, videos and any other pictures and sounds, but also the structure of the website, its name and its graphic design.

Photo credits Copyright: G.Martin-Raget, G.Gardette, H.Del Olmo, A-L. Camilleri, C. Aybalen (Journal La Provence), L. Taveneau, A.Bousquet-Fabre, JF. Lepage, Agence Caméléon, E-mag déco, P.Urvoy, S.Girault.

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